FILES CONTAINED HERE: REG.TXT - Registration/complaint form READ1ST.TXT - This file you are reading. PCX2CCS.EXE - Executable program PCXCCS.GXL - REQUIRED FILE - contains all menus and windows MASTER.DMC - 64 RGB combinations mapped to DMC colors PCX2CCS.DOC - Documentation for program HOWTO.TXT - A step-by-step tutorial for using the program ADDENDUM.TXT - Anything that was omitted or missing from the manual SETPRINT.EXE PRTMODEL.ASC PRTCODE.ASC - These 3 files are required to create a printer configuration file. They can be deleted after you have selected a printer. SAMPLER2.PCX DUKBOP.PCX FROG.PCX OWL.PCX - These are some PCX file for you to play with. VENDOR.DOC DESC.SDI READ_ME.1ST READ_ME.BAT VENDOR.TXT VENDINFO.DIZ FILE_ID.DIZ - These files are for vendors and distributors. If you want to distribute the program, please read these. RUNNING THE PROGRAM: To run PCX2CCS, go to the directory where the program is located, and type PCX2CCS. Once the program has been started, you can go to any directory or drive you want. To FORCE the program to run in EGA or VGA mode, type PCX2CCS EGA or PCX2CCS VGA This will override the program choice of graphics mode. In order to print directly to a printer, you MUST run SETPRINT first, to create pcxccspt.cfg. This is the printer configuration file. Although this file is NOT required to run the program, it is required to print to the printer. PCX2CCS.DOC contains an explaination of the whats and whys of the program. If you decide not to register, I would be interested to know why, What is the program NOT doing that you need. The registeration form has a room for comments and complaints. Please feel free to fill this section out and mail, or E-mail, me a copy. I will respond to all comments and complaints. If you have any questions feel free to contact me: Chris O'Donnell PO Box 113 Middlebury Ct. 06762 CIS: 70431,1427 DELPHI: CHRISOD INTERNET: I pick up my e-mail at least once per day, sometimes twice.I will, minimally, tell you I got your mail and then follow up with complete details within 24 hours. If you're REALLY STUMPED, you can call (203) 758- 1451 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (EST). But please be aware that I/we have 3 children under the age of 6. The background noise can be pretty intense. The BEST time to catch me is between 12:30 and 2:00 (EST) -The kids are all in their rooms having "quiet time" and it's as quiet as it gets. We have an answering machine and I will return any and all phone messages as soon as I can.